I have an tendency to get into television shows by random and oddly timed ways. How I Met Your Mother, Community, Doctor Who, Archer, Psyche, Parks and Recreation and Bones are all shows that I have heard about a particular episode and decided to watch it for kicks. Which then invariably leads on to watching ALL the episodes. This is ok for things like Archer and Community, which I found half way through season 2 both times. Less ok for HIMYM which I didn't discover till almost the beginning of season 5. So much back log. Seriously I caught myself up to it during a particularly cold December weekend when I was alone in a poorly insulated house with no central heating, where I did nothing else really but watch it and refill my hot water bottle. Totally worth it though especially this season as HIMYM seems to be really going for broke in the awesome categories. But more on that later maybe.
Back to Community. I don't actually remember what the first episode I watched was, maybe the Dungeons and Dragon episode? What ever it was I loved it a lot. And so the whole catch up cycle began. There are so many things that make Community one of favourite shows. But my favourite thing is probably the fact it doesn't take itself at all seriously. The writers have realised that you don't need be to be serious to be deep and effecting.This can be seen perfectly in the opening musical number of Biology 101. Although I desperately hope that their promise to be more normal, less crazy and less weird than the first two years combined where empty threats because I would not be ok with that. The whole number is just like the show, the right side of meta, self aware without being smug (see Jeff and Annie's “We're going to sleep together”). I've just heard that there is going to be a musical episode for the Christmas special. I'm pretty excited about this.
What's great about Community is the deep effect ion I feel for all the characters. I love the Dean, so much and his Dean based puns. Although if he keeps wearing that suit I for one will be very Changry. I loved watching him crumble under John Goodman's Vice Dean. It's also good to see that Pan Sexual Imp being added to the opening credits, because he deserves to be after all the work he's put in over the last couple of years.Troy, Troy, Troy, Troy. I have a significant love affair with Donald Glover. What I love about him is even in episodes that about aren't about him directly he still just manages to be hilarious during every little exchange he gets. His hand slipping in from the side and taking the lid of the cup when Annie was freaking out was perfectly done. Also his doing a Georgian accent despite knowing that its the country not the state, was great. But the MVP for moment of subtle awesomeness goes to the moment involving the candy cigarette in Remedial Chaos Theory. Such a small delightful moment.
His and Abed living together can only bring spectacular things. Also I'm significantly looking forward to see what Annie being added to the mix is going to bring. Abed's freak out about not having a new favourite TV show was almost as good as Troy's Levar Burton freak out in Season Two. Well not really because that was so good it hurts a little inside. Although's the study groups reaction and attempts to help was brilliant to see.
My only complaint in the first episode was the continued discussion of whether Pierce should be in the group or not. Are we still talking about this, although it did seem to be settled in the second episode. This used to be an issue with Chang, but now he has a job as Security guard complete with badge saying- “Hows my Smile?” But the after that the episodes seem to have put these issues to bed. Which is good to see this development.
That said the only bit of Geography of Global Conflict that I didn't totally love was the whole Britta story line with Chang. It just didn't make me laugh in the way the rest of the episode did. Also it was odd that it was mainly completely separate from the rest of the action. It felt like every time we went to that story line we had to take a step back. I realise that it's good to see her tackle the issues of who she used to be and who she's going to be. It suggests that this season is going to be one of growth for the gang, as do lots of whats happened over these first two episodes. The third episode could perhaps be seen to go against that idea. It may have shown them as having grown into a group but there was still a level of internal bickering what seems a little unnecessary or a back step. The forth episode however got us right back on track. I think I'll wait to the end to go into a full discussion of the forth such are the strength of my feelings for it.
The third episode was a bit of an odd one. I found it funny but it seemed a little disjointed. This was kind of explained Dan Harmon's post explaining that it was meant to be the forth but given the extra time the original third one needed to produce they had to swap the running order. Although I laughed a lot at their mistreatment of Todd the final shot was slighting heartbreaking. That ending added a cruel tinge to the episode as a whole that was a bit disconcerting.
The Annie and Jeff romance is an interesting one. It's been suggested and referenced a fair bit throughout the two seasons. I'm not sure whether they've managed to make it stay on the right side of creepy. That said I'm a sucker for televised romance so I'm up for it. I'm really hoping that they are actually going to work through some of the issues that have been presented between these too. I'm totally aware that at least some of the reason for this is the damage done to me by Hollywood. Without romantic resolution there is a part of me that is not fully satisfied. Also Troy and Britta? Oh yeah I can see that happening. This could also be seen in Remedial Chaos Theory when with the moments in a couple of the timelines. I thought Martin Starr totally owned it as the model UN teacher. His locket which he eventually took out and talked too was great. Also that joke about knowing the actual name of the person who first set up model UN completely reminded me of the joke in Archer the other day "Who am I? Carl Lannsteiner? Discoverer of blood groups?". Side note I love that Archer joke more than I can say. It might be my favourite joke of the entire television season.
Now to the forth episode. I'm going to find it hard to talk about this without just shouting about my love from the rooftops. In many ways this is my problem with reviewing Community in general. I like it just a little bit too much. I find it slightly hard to see through my love and affection for the thing as a whole. The way the time lines shifted the relationships and when stuff works and when it works was wonderfully done and a joy to watch. It was interesting to see that Troy seems most integral to the group, if he goes all hell quite literally breaks loose. Was the message meant to be, be nice to people and let them sing Police hits if they want to? We should always let people sing Roxanne if wanted. That said I'd be sad to think, we were meant to assume Jeff is the cause of all the conflict in the group. He's just got furthest to go in accepting himself. What was great about the episode was it got funnier and better as it went on. Each time Pierce referenced Eartha Kitt was funnier than the last, because of all that went before. The repetition and replaying of ideas were so well done that it made the episode build and build until the end, which I genuinely found moving. It totally made up to the mean edge to the group from the episode before which is why I think it makes more sense in this order to a certain extent. Although they really should have taken out Pierce's Eartha Kitts reference. But apart from that if this had been before I think I would have really hated Biology 101 as it would have seen as such a step down in quality and development.
The end point is, and I think will always be for Community reviews, god damn I love this show.
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