Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Glee-Pot O'Gold

“Everyone's dreams are going to come true this year”. Did this line really happen? Blerg, it took the rest of the episode for me to try and get the taste of sick out of my mouth.

So on to actual stuff. Firstly, they've Irished up Damien no end haven't they? I don't ever remember his accent being that strong. Also for his first song to be “it's not easy being Green”? Gah, ok, I get it he's Irish and wearing a lots of green. Sure great idea, not naff at all. That said, despite his awkwardly cartoon Irishness, I didn't hate him; especially by the end of the episode. He seems quite nice- a quality often lacking in the halls of Mckinley High. Not sure what they're going to do with him after this, but we'll see.

On to the main event. I can't stand this Quinn story; what Quinn was trying to do is, straight up, deeply unpleasant. Yes Puck, jail does seem a little extreme- you're right. I'm all for the continuity thing Glee is doing this season. And I'm totally up for addressing Quinn's (and Puck's) feelings about giving a child up and then having it still in their life but does it have to be this way? Her behaviour tonight was not thinking in the interests of the only perfect thing she's ever done, it's completely selfish. Also, she doesn't seem to have thought about it at all. It'll take more than two weeks for them to get back the child, even if her plan worked, and in that time she'll be in foster care they'll be significant uprooting and distress. This isn't, for want of a better phrase, child's play. The consequences of the actions she took would, if they went according to her plan, are immense. Given that this won't actually happen, the more significant issue for the character is we can't un-see this. Quinn will always be a character capable of these actions. You can't sing a song and make this fact go away, although I look forward to watching them try. They have ruined her without seeming to notice.

I obviously find the rival show choirs idea tedious but that said, Shelby seems to be helping the kids sing better. Wow; what a novel idea for the Glee Club coach to help the kids vocally. Will's always seemed to assume standing at the side looking creepy is enough to improve their voices, apparently it's not. Why is anyone surprised they didn't win Nationals again? A feat that Shelby has managed multiple times; hmmm... maybe this story should end with them all going over to the Trouble Tones. By the by, that name has to go, like it should have been gone last year. You know its bad when the name New Directions seems golden in comparison. Although Shelby clearly can't stick around because of that kiss which, if we remember from my first review, I was not so keen on happening. But yeah, no- they went there. Less than fucking impressed. Yes, Puck looks 45 but he's not. He's her student, and the baby of her adopted daughter. No way that them kissing isn't wildly inappropriate.

More on Will's general lack of anything like sense or reason. His idea of having 20-30 adverts in the program; how long is this program going to be? Surely at that rate it'd be all ads with one half page with the cast list on? That's going to look good and professional. Luckily Burt Hummel saved the day, because he's fucking great in every way. Although him running against Sue is a bit odd; would he really just decide to running for Congress with little more than a 'how you do'. But sure what ever if it means we get more of him, I'm all for it. I did enjoy that Will is too busy to direct the school musical but he's not too busy to be Burt Hummel's campaign manager. FOR CONGRESS, like actual Congress. Is he insane? How much work is this shitting musical going to be? Also, in regard to the debate between arts vs special ed., it's obviously an important, or at least relevant, one especially in this economy but I feel it would sit better if they didn't so clearly have a side. It doesn't feel like a discussion, it feels like a lesson we're all meant to take. No one likes to be preached to Glee, no one.

Finn was oddly insufferable this episode, although I loved the “old brochure dude” remark about the America Dream idea Rory was working with. But why does he still think he's in charge of this shit? That man has such a hero complex its ridiculous. Is he only one that's allowed to make a point and sort everything out? That said, I feel a little bad that his parents are assuming that Kurt's going to get into college but seem much more unsure about Finn. I mean it's possibly fair, he does sometimes seem thick as pig shit but still, need we be so open about it? Poor dear.

Do you know what I remembered this episode, having forgotten momentarily? God I hate Rachel. She's just so self involved. Does anyone remember the episode where she got a crush on Will? Well I think they should revisit this idea, because the two are perfect for each other; both selfish as fuck. Note to writers: please don't actually let that happen. Although clearly you're ok with student teacher romantic relationships, but a) you shouldn't be and b) that would mean we'd have to sit through loads of scenes of just them. That would be the worst.

Final point. Why does Kurt always wear hats?  

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