This week I'm going to try a different method. Instead of watching Glee and then writing stuff about it, I wrote notes as I watched it. I am now going to type them out verbatim. It's an interesting read. What I think is going to be best about it is it's going to mean that if you haven't seen it, you can guess what was happening.
- Rachel said something sensible? What the What? Note: perfect take down of Quinn.
- It's less than a week till sectionals, why are we only now looking for songs. Reason Will is shit #987.
- Since when did Sam Evans have star power?
- “You Smell of Craigslist”.
- Why were Dalton's and McKinley's sectionals different dates this year?
- Sam=White Chocolate. That's not terrible in any way.
- Yay for stripping? No wait; yay for judging stripping!
- Puck's hair is still in that 'Nazi Fetish Bar' phase I see.
- Acknowledgment of Band, Win!
- Red Cup song- Is this an actual thing?
- I agree with Kurt's mouthing to Blaine “ What's wrong with you?” but I am saying it to everyone.
- Quinn/Shelby look off. Ha!
- Quinn's mental breakdown is complete! Why is no one concerned?
- In America you don't have to declare your major when you apply. Why don't the writers of Glee know this?
- Tina exists, who knew!? God she's a bitch
- Blaine wearing socks. CRAZY.
- I like Artie's Jumper.
- Blaine vs. Sam FIGHT about dancing.
- Blaine's a boxer? Since when? “I started the Dalton branch of Fight Club which I obviously can't talk about” Ha!
- Glee guys you can't make us care about: Mercedes and Sam. We never saw them together to we don't care.
- Chang Sr. vs Tina. I just don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care. “Honour his gift”- I'll honour his gift Tina, all over your face.
- Oh, the band guys are pretending to be signers, makes sense.
- Mike and Tina have a disappointment-off, sad faces!
- Sugar Motta's respond to the clown was good.
- Rachel is devastated, sad faces 2.0.
- Lindsay is back. She only has one face and it's the worst.
- Will didn't count on something, I am shocked, he never does that!
- Again Rachel is sensible. I am almost literally reeling.
- Shelby vs. Quinn. Everybody's wrong. In other news, apparently, people age but pretty people never stop being pretty.
- The Trouble Tones dresses could be more flattering, they look like tin foil.
- One again another great mash up- Glee is really good at them.
- Finn/Blaine terrorist fist bump-Noice!
- Dance moves are a bit weird but fun.
- ABC-Tina gets to sing, what did she have to do to get this.
- I see that the boy band dance moves won, not the sexy ones.
- This is nice without Rachel, everybody gets to sing their own little bit. No Rachel crooning away; she should commit voting fraud move often.
- Sebastian gah! go away. Nobody cares. Also, where are the rest of the Warblers?
- Kurt's jumps=great. Talk bit=Weird. Oh Sexy dance is here. That was painful.
- Damn this is fun.
- Control start is a bit weird.
- Again everyone is getting their moment to shine, down with Rachel
- Man in the Mirror; Finn is trying to be sing with emotional face.
- I've just noticed that New Directions only have two ladies now (I originally wrote one but I forgot that Quinn existed-awkward).
- This is great too.
- Oh just noticed that Rory hasn't got to sing- even more awkward. (Well the band guys haven't ever got to but that doesn't count).
- Will looks all proud, he really shouldn't. That smug look needs to be wiped right off his face. Useless fuck
- Mike's “Make the Change” was the single most stupidly hilarious in a not-meant-to-be-funny-at-all thing ever.
- Quinn has bipolar- for serious.
- Oh Chang Sn's on Side. Thank heavens I was worried about what way this was going to go. NOT.
- Tears-Tina is a sneaky fucker.
- New Directions Win! We all saw that coming- only way it could gone.
- Again with Will smug face. Also, his look to Emma in the audience was the sickening.
- Trouble Tones' lights-off-we-didn't-win thing was odd.
- Quinn waits for people in random offices.
- Quinn is all better now? Apparently she wants to go to Yale- yeah that's going to happen. Has she noticed how shockingly bad the quality of teaching is at her school? She needs to get on some anti-psychotic meds asap.
- Oh Quinn's suddenly ALL grown up. So wise so quickly, little one.
- Did Mercedes not notice how everyone got to sing in the the thing. It's no longer the Berry show, because she's a convicted criminal (ish) and it's never been the Blaine show (here are least).
- Oh Rachel's back, Damn.
- Her and Finn's flirty look was gross; I don't need to see that in my life.
- Another nice jumper Artie!
- We Are Young- this is less fun than the others. This is weird, I don't understand what I'm meant to be getting from this.
- Kurt's rocking the Victorian Orphan look, good call.
- Is everyone on this show bipolar? They jump from being mortal enemies to BFF's in the blink of an eye.
I actually really enjoyed this one. It was Will-lite, the songs were fun and we learnt that Dalton has a fight club. What more does anyone need? Was it just me, or what this episode funnier than others have been in the past? Maybe the writers remembered they're making a COMEDY!
Also sorry if this review wasn't as "good" as normal, I'm lacking time this week.
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